A positive, collaborative, and productive company culture not only leads to happier employees, but also business success and increased company profits. Recruitment can play a key role in cultivating a desired company culture and is considered an advantageous strategy for building and nurturing a high-performing workforce.
Paying attention to how comfortable and valued employees feel at work and with their colleagues is a priority for workforce retention. According to research from MIT Sloan Management Review published in Forbes, toxic company culture is a leading cause of employee discontent and contributes to a 10.4 times higher likelihood of quitting. Alternatively, cultivating a workplace that challenges employees while also empowering them to reach their fullest potential, take care of their physical and mental health, and engage in positive communication with each other leads to higher rates of retention and employee happiness.
Because search consultants are often the bridge between a company and its prospective employees, identifying how well candidates fit into the desired company culture is key. As a business seeking new talent, developing a recruitment strategy must include an assessment of your current company culture, including any areas for improvement that may be benefitted by a new employee(s). For example, if your current company culture is not as engaged and collaborative as you desire, a recruiter can seek out candidates with experience in workforce development and/or soft skills that cultivate employee relationships such as an outgoing, upbeat, and positive demeanor. Alternatively, if your current company culture is more relaxed and not as productive as you’d ideally like, a strategic recruitment plan might be seeking candidates that are ambitious, outspoken, and driven to promote higher rates of productivity.
Developing a comprehensive recruitment strategy that takes into account a company’s current workplace culture and its desired future leads to more informed, focused, and successful hiring decisions. Recruiters can work alongside you to determine how to best identify and cultivate new talent to ensure your company culture leads to tangible benefits to both the business itself and its employees.